Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Length Surprises

Yesterday was the first time to visit the hospital without Matt.  It did feel a bit weird without him there, especially during kangaroo care time, when only one of the girls was held.  I'm planning to hold each one every other day, and yesterday it was Hazel's turn:

I felt bad that I was not giving Abby enough attention, though!

Yesterday was also my mom's birthday, so I sent them a text with pictures while at the hospital and when I got home last night gave them a call to update them on the status of everything.

Finally, I felt like I had a really good pumping day yesterday.  I ate well, squeezed in nine pumps, and, while I didn't add it up, felt like the milk production went well.

Today - completely different story.  For some reason the alarm didn't go off at 5:00 am like it was supposed to, so I woke up at 6 realizing I had missed my pump time, and that seemed to through me off for the whole day.  On top of that, during one of the pumping sessions, I got less than 20 ml total!!  Argh.

I met Matt for lunch at the hospital, afterwards ran over to the Financial Counseling office to start the process of the Social Security paperwork, and then spent the afternoon in the NICU with the girls.  Hazel was wide awake during her two diaper changes, and had a wonderful time pulling out her feeding tube with her tongue and pulling out her cannula with her hand.  At the 5:30 feeding, she had a pretty strong grip on that thing!  Cathy, the nurse, told me she thought Hazel was going to be the instigator when she got older.  ;)

Abby, on the other hand, was pretty calm.  I was able to kangaroo care her today, and she and I had a nice little afternoon nap.  It was so sweet - she cried a bit when Cathy picked her up to put her back in the isolette.

So...medical news...both girls (not Hazel) are on the medication to help with their residual, and it seems to be working.  Apneas have also gone down a bit, too.  Otherwise, there was not much to report.

BUT...the most interesting tidbits of the day ... first, it turns out Abby was 14 & 3/16 inches when she was born, not 10 & 1/4!  Turns out that number was the circumference of her head, not her length.  You'd think we would have picked up on this sooner, but apparently not.  ;)

The other interesting tidbit ... the girls have grown about an *inch* in the two weeks since they were born!!!  Cathy showed me the measurements on their charts, and gave me two tape measures so I could track it.  They are measured every week, on Saturday night.  Check out the leap from week one to week two:

 Both gained about 1 cm in the their first week of life, and then gained 3 (A) or 4 (H) cm in their second week!  Wow!!!

Obligatory pic of Hazel - note how she is all splayed out:
And pic of Abby...note how she is more tucked in:

 Cuteness to the extreme. ;)


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