Thursday, March 22, 2012

10 Days Old

On Wednesday, March 21, the girls were 10 days old!  Dr. Soon said a week to 10 days of life is a milestone, of sorts, so it is nice to get past that one, and generally with flying colors!

On the 10th day, both Hazel and Abby had their CPAPs taken off and were put on nasal cannulas (breathing prongs through the nose), so we could see their full faces (and ears) for the first time.  Both, of course, are very very cute.  ;)  The doctor said Hazel was on her second batch of fortifier (she tolerated the first batch well), and Abby was on to her first.  Also, they did a followup brain scan on both girls, and both were clear.  The white spots that they had seen on Hazel's original scan had gone away (which is awesome).  Dr. Soon said they will do another brain scan at about a month of life, so in about three weeks, and once again said the girls were doing really well.  

I held Hazel today and Matt held Abby (with several pics taken by my parents, who stopped by before heading back to Dallas).  She wiggled a little on my chest, but generally had a really nice nap.  She also sneezed a few times, which was seriously the cutest thing ever.  Matt said Abby had a nice cuddly nap, too.  We think Abby is definitely the cuddler of the two. ;)

Their feedings have also increased as well.  Hazel is up to 21 ml of food (breast milk) daily, and Abby is up to 18 ml.  All mine!  I'm working on pumping, which is definitely going to be interesting with two kids.  Anyway, the increased feeding is a great sign, too.


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