Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday - 13 Days Old

Today was a shorter visit, since we planned to go to Tim & Rebecca's rehearsal dinner in the evening.  We got over to the hospital for the 2:30 feeding/changing/kangaroo care, but we were only able to hold Hazel today.  Abby had tummy problems earlier (Kathy, the nurse, thought it was due to the fortifier because it happened about the same time), and so Kathy had to give her a bath, which brought down Abby's temperature enough that Kathy didn't feel comfortable getting her out of the isolette.  So Matt held Hazel (since he held Abby yesterday), and I pumped and took a few pictures:

Here's a pic of Abby sleeping after her diaper change:

Dr. Kinstra came by and said they were doing pretty well.  Both have increased their weight (she told us what it was, but then I promptly forgot), and both had apneas/bradys last night, but nothing out of the ordinary.  Matt asked about timeline stuff - when the girls would get their newborn screens, and developmental timelines.  The doctor said they did the newborn screens (required by the State of Texas) a few days after they were born, as with a typical full term baby, but to not be surprised if there were some anomalies, as that was common with premature babies (plus the tests are super sensitive, so it is more likely to catch stuff than let things slip through).  Regarding the developmental stuff, Dr. Kinstra said their age would have to be "adjusted" based on their birth date, so when reading books and things about when stuff normally happens for babies (rolling over, crawling, smiling, etc), we'd need to use the adjusted age (birth date minus due date).

After getting a snack at the hospital, we headed home, changed, and then went to the rehearsal dinner at Jack Allen's Kitchen.  It was our first public appearance (so to speak) since the twins were born, and, honestly, it felt a bit weird to be there (although I was happy to be there for T&R).  Several of the people we knew came up to us and asked how the twins were doing (and for pictures), and both Tim and Rebecca expressed how happy they were that we were there (which was really nice of them).  Overall, though, I felt somewhat anti-social, and I certainly didn't want to take any attention away from them, since it is their big weekend, so pretty soon after dinner we slipped out.


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