Friday, March 30, 2012

17 & 18 Days

The girls have been doing well.  Fortunately, this means there is not much news to report.  ;)

On Wednesday, the occupational therapist came by during the 2:30 feeding and introduced herself.  She works with the girls twice a week (normally in the morning), and overall she is happy with their progress.  She also said it is best if we don't hear from her - it means things are okay.

Both girls were officially over birth weight on Wednesday, too.  Hazel was 2 pounds, 12 ounces and Abigail was 2 pounds 9 ounces.  Yay for them.  Wednesday was also my day to hold Hazel, and the little squirt was able to pull off her nasal cannula twice during our kangaroo visit:

Dr. Kinstra also came by during our kangaroo time and said the only change she was making was to split Hazel's caffeine dose, so instead of getting 10 ml per day, she'd get 5 ml every 12 hours; the doctor was going to decide whether to change Abby's until later that night.  

Afterwards, I helped change both diapers, and Abby had a large and rather gooey surprise at the 5:30 change.  It leaked from her original diaper,  past her new diaper, and on to the bedding below, and took both me and Cathy the nurse to clean and wipe her.  Pretty impressive for such a little girl!

So, yesterday, turns out the girls had gained even more weight!  Hazel was up to 2'14 and Abby was at 2'12!!!  Woohoo!  No medical news to report, aside from less residual at their feedings.

I held Abby yesterday.  She didn't pull any cords out, but did manage to squirm out of her hat several times:

The other interesting thing is Hazel got swaddled and clothed for the first time!  Apparently it was help keep her from pulling her cords out.  ;)  Here's a pic of her in her first outfit!
Seems to have worked somewhat, although while I was kangarooing Abby I could tell that H's hands were already free of the swaddle.  She managed to keep her cords in, though.  :)

Last night Matt and I also met up at the theater to see The Hunger Games.  I haven't read the books yet - Matt has - so it was interesting to go into the movie without any much of an idea regarding the plot.  Pretty good movie, and I liked how it drew from Greek mythology, Roman history, etc.  Now I can't wait to read the know, in all of my spare time.  ;)

After getting home we had a discussion about insurance.  Since the premiums are so high with mine, we planned to switch to his, and he has several options, so we want to make sure we get the maximum benefit.  I had previously googled the cost of a NICU visit for a baby ... we'll see what it is once we get the bill, but depending on where you go (and how long, of course), it is anywhere from $7K to $12K PER DAY.  And we've got two (doubtful there is a twin discount).  And they will be in there for close to two months.  Wowza.  Thank goodness for insurance.


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