Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Western Theme Night

After feeding the girls tonight (and changing Abby out of the OU onesie), Matt decided to play horsey with Abigail on his knee.  So I looked up "The Lone Ranger" on my iPhone and played its theme.  Abby LOVED it...she had a big gaping grin the whole time she was bouncing on her dad's knee.  Hazel, who was just finishing up her bottle, seemed to like it too, alternating between smiling at me and staring at her dad and Abby who were bouncing up and down.

To continue the vibe, I then played the theme for "Bonanza" with Lorne Greene.  Who knew the theme actually had words to it? (I didn't.)  This time I wiggled/bicycle-kicked Hazel's legs in time to the music while Matt trotted Abby around the room.  Hazel enjoyed it, but I think she was having a hard time figuring out where that man's voice was coming from!  And of course Abs had a blast.

At that point, Matt veered toward the bedroom with Abby, but in order to complete the western trifecta, I played the theme for "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."  Hazel and I did the bicycle kick thing again, but she seemed weirded out by the strange noises in the song.  Plus, I think she was getting tired.  So off to bed she went!


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