Today I got home a bit earlier than usual, which was nice, and so helped Karen feed the girls (who are currently only eating four times a day!). Afterwards I spent some time with them in the playgym. Yes, I'm a bit big for it, but Hazel seemed to find it hilarious that the soccer ball looked like it was attached to my head.
I could tell they were getting tired, so I put Abby in the nap nanny, and she dozed off rather quickly. Hazel was in my lap initially, but I was still sitting on the floor, so that quickly became uncomfortable. Moving, though, caused her to wake up, and soon she was fussy unless we walked around, which after awhile was untenable for me So I sat down in the chair-and-a-half with Hazel, tucked her in my arm, held her hand, and whispered calm reassuring things in her ear. Before you knew it, she stopped fussing/thrashing, calmed down, and went to sleep too. I probably should have put her down before she went to sleep, but it was so sweet having her snuggled up next to me. Isn't she adorable?
Hazel and her Wubbanub. |
Abs with her Wubbanub. |
Abby. This angle makes her feet look huge. |
Hazel: Whoa! Hands! |
Zonked out. |
At some point Abby woke up, so I put Hazel down in her nap nanny and then picked up the Abs, who snuggled into my arm and went back to sleep while I read about strawberry hemangiomas until Matt came home. :)
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