The girls were FIVE months old today! I planned to get their weights (doing the scale thing where you get on with them and then without and subtract the difference), but we got so busy I never got a chance.
At five months, both girls are smiling and cooing. Hazel is more tactile, grabbing at things (although I don't think she completely knows what she is doing) and kicking up a storm. Abby is a bit more talkative and likes to wave her arms around. The girls are eating about 4-5 ounces per feed, which is usually five times per day. And, Hazel and Abby keep going back and forth in terms of sleeping. One night, one girl will wake up several times and the other will sleep. A few nights later, they'll switch. Perhaps we will find the switch soon to make them both sleep through the night at the same time!
In honor of the girls' being five months old, Darcy had a party! (Not really, of course; Darcy's party was for her christening.) Since the girls are more susceptible to illness, we hadn't really taken them out to any social events, and they really hadn't been out at all aside from pediatrician visits (and the one trip to REI). So, in advance of the party, I called Austin First Steps and checked to make sure they thought it would be okay for the girls to be around people. And, assuming we didn't pass them around to sick people (or allow the toddlers to touch them), the doctor at AFS said it would be okay.
Of course, the next important thing was deciding which outfit the girls would wear for their big societal debut. After considering the options, it was a pretty easy decision: the girls wore the beautiful knit dresses made for them by their Nina's best friend Carolyn. I love how they are coordinating (same pattern) but not matching (one purple, one pink).
So, on the morning of their big debut, the girls decided to take their sweet time to eat, which of course meant we were a bit late for the start of the party. Perhaps the girls just wanted to make a splashy entrance. ;) Anyway, once we finally arrived, the girls were held and ogled and loved on, and then Hazel promptly went to sleep. Gearing up for parties was just too tiring.
Hazel and Ty. |
Hazel and Ty plus Darcy. |
Hazel and Ty and Darcy plus Abby. |
Poor outnumbered baby Ty. That's a lot of baby girls. Note Hazel was sleeping during the entire baby photo shoot. |
Abbage, showing off her pretty dress. |
Hazel, proving she can nap anywhere. |
I love the picture of all 4 babies! Ty is sure a ladies man. How special that you guys all have babes the same age
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