Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Unplanned Pediatrician Visit

We made a previously unscheduled trip to Dr. Ramirez today for both Hazel and Abby.  How fortuitous they both had issues at the same time, huh?

One cool thing, of course, is every time they go to the doctor, the girls get weighed.  Hazel is 12 pounds 13.5 ounces and Abigail is 12 pounds 3 ounces.  Big girls!!!

On the Hazel front, last Saturday night and again today she did this choke/gagging thing.  It wasn't related to feeding, and both times she never stopped breathing.  It was like she was choking on her drool, best we could tell, but the sound was kinda scary.  Fortunately, Dr. Ramirez said her lungs and heart sounded all clear ("no clunkers in there"), and he guessed it may be allergies, as some of the mold has picked up the last few days.  So he suggested we give her prilosec again for about a week to see if that helps.

For Abs, there was a spot on her birthmark that scabbed and started bleeding Sunday and yesterday.  Matt and Karen cleaned it pretty thoroughly yesterday, and it wasn't happening too often, but I still wanted it checked out.  Dr. Ramirez checked it out too, and said it looked a bit infected, so he wrote us a prescription for an antibiotic ointment to be applied two to three times daily.  So, again, fortunately not a big deal, especially since we caught it relatively early.  But that small little tube of ointment cost $46!  Sigh.

Matt is off at the Gamestop Expo today and tomorrow, so tonight will be my first time completely alone with the girls.  This should be interesting.... ;)


Chalice Lindgren said...

Yep, they are definitely big healthy girls! A good thing with that unscheduled trip is that you are updated with how the girls are doing. I also feel glad for you that those issues are not serious. Even if it’s only one baby who has a problem, I would also ask my doctor to check up on the other one to ease my anxieties. It’s been months now, how are the two doing?

Chalice Lindgren

Nancy S. said...

They are doing really well - they are growing, gaining weight, and are generally very happy little girls. We have been very fortunate.

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