Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Actual Therapy! And Video Evidence of Rolling!

Sara, the speech therapist, came over this morning for Hazel's first actual therapy session (as I've complained before, the first three visits primarily involved paperwork ... I think I spent about 6-8 hours combined dealing with paper, but only about 20 min of therapy, prior to today).  It went well!  She watched Hazel take in a mid-mid-morning snack (thought she was latching and eating well), and then Hazel promptly went to sleep, so Abby was the primary focus.  And, boy, did she seize the opportunity!  Little Abs emptied her bag of tricks; she rolled over three times (two caught on camera), held up her head, cooed, and smiled.  Show off!  :)

Sara thought both girls' facial tone looked good, but offered some massage suggestions to work on it, as well as massaging the gums too (and was impressed at Hazel's lack of fuss when I did it to her - but she was sleeping, so that helped).  Overall, it is really reassuring to have a professional come in and say she thought the girls looked good. 

Pics and videos, of course:

Abby trying to hold her bottle.

Merrydog hanging with the girls on the playmat.

Everyone at eye level.

Hazel fistpump!

Jorts on the Abs.  Babies can pull them off.


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