Wednesday, April 25, 2012

35 Weeks

Matt still isn't feeling well, plus he found out he's got mandatory overtime due to crunch time.  12 hour days, 7 days a week, for 3 weeks.  He's basically already working 12 hour days during the week.  Ugh.  

It is amazing; both girls are basically two whole pounds over their birth weight.  Today Hazel weighs 4 pounds, 11 ounces, and Abigail is 4 pounds, 7 ounces.  I also noticed today that I'm pretty sure Abby has bigger/longer ears than her sister.  Abby reminds me of my dad and my granddad, and I see flashes of Matt's parents in Hazel.  Some of the nurses have said Abby looks a lot like me, but it is really hard for me to see that; I guess I'm too close to the subject.

We worked on breast feeding today; Hazel took to it okay, but spit up several times.  I know she was sucking, but I don't know how much she got, as her feeding tube was also on at the same time.  Abigail wasn't super interested, but she sucked for a few minutes too.  Both girls seemed pretty sleepy, so I mostly spent the time today holding Hazel (since I held Abby yesterday) and listening to the nurses gossip about my nurse Kyra's wedding (and her new sister in law) and something that had happened at work.  NICU 3, our little overflow room, is more secluded, so it certainly lends itself to more nurse chatter, plus there is basically no way to not eavesdrop on half of the room.

One of the things I heard, though, involved pediatrician recommendations.  The baby boy (38 weeker) next to us had swelling in his brain, and his parents were worried he'd need to get a shunt put in.  Yesterday they found out from the doctor that the swelling had gone down enough that it may not need to happen, and even if it did, it would likely be an outpatient procedure, meaning he'd be able to go home soon.  The parents were SO happy.  In the meantime, since they lived in Blanco (1.5 hours from the hospital, which reminds me that 20 miles/30 min one way is not that bad), they needed pediatrician recommendations, so they asked the doctor to review the insurance-approved list.  Anyway, today they asked the nurse if the doctor had reviewed the list, and while she wasn't sure if that had happened, she started naming good pediatricians that nurses and doctors use.  One of the pediatricians she mentioned is the same one we will be using (and that Dr. Cowan recommended), so that made me feel good!

The other exciting thing: last night, while I was at home, Rachel (the night nurse) called to let me know that Abigail finished her whole bottle!  That was a first, and Rachel was really excited, as was I.  Go Abs!  Hopefully the sucking/swallowing thing is finally "clicking on" for Abigail, like it has (mostly) for Hazel.

Pictures from the day:

Abby in her crib
She's looking at me like she's thinking "another picture, really?"
Abby:  I know kung my sleep.

Look out for the wicked cross.

Hazel making faces while I held her.


I look pretty satisfied with myself.  Must have just had a huge poop.

Yup.  I can smell it now.

What?  That wasn't me.  That was the nurse.

Hazel sticking out her tongue in her sleep.

Konked out in the crib.

Cute clothes for the girls!  Now people will be able to tell them apart. ;)  (thanks Saradee!)


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