Thursday, January 31, 2013

January Recap

This month FLEW by.  Where did the time go?  I planed to post more than three times this month, but things - you know, life - intervened.  So, here's a brief recap and photo dump from the past month:
* We had several family visitors:

Papaw and Tina came to visit!
* Matt's time off was extended, ultimately for three extra weeks, but upon everyone's return to the office, all the employees were told that JP was shutting down.  We were bummed, but had an idea it was coming, so it wasn't a huge shock.  Plus, JP is treating its (former) employees really well, and has handled everything very nicely, which takes the sting off a bit.  And, finally, while the bad news is now Matt has to look for a new job, the good news is: (a) he already has a bunch of leads; (b) we are generally careful with our finances, so there is no added stress for the immediate future; and (c) he gets to spend more time with the girls:
Helping Dad with the bottle.

Isn't Daddy hilarious???

*  I've been busy at work (which explains the lack of blogging somewhat) of my trips this month was to Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida.  It would have been nice to take the whole family; maybe in a few years!
Sunset from St. Pete Beach overlooking the Gulf.

Love the panorama feature on the iPhone.

Sunset on the beach.  Loved it.

*  The girls started music class!  I'll save those pictures for another post.  :)

* Hazel and Abby enjoyed wearing more hats (or, more accurately, I enjoyed putting more hats on them and they tolerated it):

*  Merry-dog and the girls still get along great.  She's a favorite, especially to Hazel.

*  We had boys come visit (and their parents, too):
It's a bald baby conference.

Abby shows Logan the proper way to read a book.  Sideways.

*  And, finally, here are the other assorted cute pictures and videos from the last month....
Blurry, but a great Hazel-bear smile.

Quizzical Abs holds her sippy cup.
 Abby loves to mug for the camera...

Hazel and the moose.

Used a free iPhone app to make the collage.  Cool, huh?

Mirror, mirror, on the ground, who is the cutest Abs you've found?

Hazel tends to make a mess during food time.


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