Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hold On To Your Hats

I'm not a huge fan of putting bows on the girls (just not my thing, although it can be really cute).  But I have always loved les chapeaus!  So check out the assortment of Hazel and Abby pictures styling various headgear from the last few weeks.  :)

Hazelbear, styling the hat, socks-as-shoes, and one leg-warmer (knitted by Beth) look:


 Abby, using a headband as an ear warmer (and looking a bit like Cindy-Lou Who to me):

Next, Abby rocks the hat made by Nina's best friend Carolyn:

Hazel and Abby in the stroller.

We love hats!


Amy J Smith/Nina said...

Oh my stars.....what a site. Ok, so what did you do so that these little darlins would present such happy and cute faces along with their Daddy? I love, love, love this picture!!!!!

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