Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hazel, Grande Dame of the NICU, Plus At Home Happenings

Hazel is officially the longest tenured baby in the NICU, as Sara, the previous title holder, roomed in with her parents two nights ago and was discharged today.  Not really something I was hoping either of the girls would achieve, but it is what it is, I guess.  Hazel had an episode today while feeding, so her countdown clock (the three day one) has been reset, and now the earliest she could be discharged is Tuesday.  Apparently it happened right after she projectile vomited this morning (Fri) enough so it went over the crib railing and onto the floor; as Becky the nurse put it tonight, you know Hazel would be impressive in whatever she does, including vomiting.  Dr. Kienstra came by while I was up at the NICU tonight and said it was impressive as well, as she and a nurse practitioner visited right after the vomiting incident.  At least Ms. Long Tenured is making a name for herself, right?  ;)

Day Two with Abigail at home went rather smoothly.  Matt and I switched off on getting up again, which seems to work really well, especially since Abby is gracious enough to sleep for extended periods of time.  In fact, I had to wake her up this morning at 9:45a to feed her!  Also, now that we've switched from Boudreaux's to Desitin (sp?), her diaper rash seems to have lessened, and as side bonus she is less likely to cry bloody murder when we change her diaper. 

Funny/cute incidents from the day:
1.  While feeding, Matt held Abby up a la The Lion King and starting singing the song.
2.  Matt tried on the Baby K'tan, which is a type of baby carrying device.  Sadly, he did not let me take a picture, as the thing (pink with brown zigzag-y patterns) was WAY too tight and, with him wearing Abby, made him look like he had boobs.  It was hilarious.  
3.  Hazel made some pretty cute faces at me while I was holding her tonight.  See pictures below.
4.  Abby has the cutest set of squeaks and noises.  Matt's most recent nickname for her is "Ab-a-mous." 

I'm sure there are more, but they escape me at the moment.  I need to do a better job of writing them down!  :)

The Abs napping in her bouncy seat.

Hazel the thinker.

Hazel the rapper.

Hazel, contemplative.

The current setup in the NICU.


Matt said...

It's not ab-a-mous, it's Abimus. Think of the movie Gladiator. Proximus, Maximus. She is Abimus. Her speech would go something like "My name is Abimus Jeannimus Scatimus, survivor of the ICU, sister to a captive twin, and commander of a house in Circle C. And I shall have my bottle, in this feeding and the next."

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