Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dancing Daddy

I purchased a baby sling (the K'tan) at the AMOM consignment sale I went to in April.  It was pretty cheap, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try one (especially since those things run close to $100 new).  Not the color I would have picked either (it is pink with brown geometric designs), but again, super cheap, so I wasn't going to be picky.

Anyway, Matt decided to try it, and it works.  The funny thing is it is the wrong size for him, so it fits him snugly.  But he was able to hold Hazel with it, walk around, and do stuff, which was great.  

So, when he first used it, he told me I was not allowed to take any pictures, otherwise he would break my iPhone.  Later, though, he relented, and let me take not only a picture, but a video.  And without further ado....

This may be a new fashion trend.


Beth said...

So the sleep deprivation has started? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Matt, I really enjoyed that :)

Amber said...

That looks like a Moby... which you can hold twins in, btw! I think I still ahve my Moby manual, so if you want to see it (and/or use the Moby wrap) let me know!

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